Parish Councillor Roles and Responsibilities

Councillor Roy Lambley – Chairman, Neighbourhood Planning Councillor, Financial Support Officer, Covid 19 Community Support Officer.

Councillor Peter Gilchriest -Vice Chairman, representative to Malmesbury Area Board Meetings, Cotswold Airport Liaison, Parochial Officer Chedglow, Data  Protection Officer, Transport and Highways, Parish Emergency Plan Co-Ordinator, playground inspection

Councillor Stephen Butcher – Parish Steward Liaison Councillor, Footpaths and Rights of Way

Councillor Gary Lawes – Parochial Officer Chelworth, Planning Officer,

Oliver Hughes – Risk Management Officer,

Councillor Neil Doel – Speed Indicating Devices Management, Grass Cutting Contract Officer

Councillor Ian Warner – 

Register of Councillors Gifts and Hospitality – No register entries for any councillors.

Declaration of Interests can be found on the Wiltshire Council website.  By law all members of Wiltshire councils must complete within 28 days of their declaration of acceptance of office. Registers of interest will be periodically updated.