Sites development plan leaflet

 The Wiltshire Council Housing Sites Development Plan/Document Leaflet is available to download below:-

Housing Sites Development Plan Document Leaflet

Consultation on the Pre-submission draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan

 Wiltshire Council has published the draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan, along with accompanying evidence reports, for formal consultation. 

 The draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan, a formal Development Plan Document, has been prepared in accordance with the Wiltshire Core Strategy.  It sets out proposals that:

  • revise, where necessary, existing settlement boundaries in relation to the Principal Settlements of Salisbury and Trowbridge, Wiltshire’s Market Towns, Local Service Centres and Large Villages; and
  • allocates new sites for housing to ensure the delivery of homes across the plan period in order to maintain a five year land supply in each of Wiltshire’s three Housing Market Areas over the period to 2026.


Comments are invited on the draft Plan and supporting evidence bases documents during the 10 week consultation period, which runs from 9:00am on Friday 14 July 2017 until 5:00pm on Friday 22 September 2017.

There will be 4 public exhibitions held as part of the consultation. The events will be open between 12 noon and 7pm as follows:


Neeld Community & Art Centre, High Street, Chippenham         Mon 17 July 2017

Guildhall, Market Place, Salisbury                                                      Weds 19 July 2017

Town Hall, St Johns Street, Devizes                                                   Mon 24 July 2017

Atrium, County Hall, Trowbridge                                                       Weds 26 July 2017

 Officers from the Council will be available during the day to answer questions about the draft Plan and we would encourage people to attend and find out more about what the draft Plan proposes in their area.

 How to Respond

 The draft Plan and supporting evidence documents are available to view and download on the Council’s website: A specific representation form, along with a simplified guidance note can also be downloaded. 

 We welcome your comments via the following means:

 online via the Council’s dedicated consultation web site:;

 Please note that copies of all comments (including your personal details) will be made available to the public to view and therefore cannot be treated as confidential. Anonymous representations cannot be accepted.

 Copies of the consultation documents can be viewed during normal opening hours at the Council’s main offices at Monkton Park (Chippenham), Bourne Hill (Salisbury), County Hall (Trowbridge) and Wiltshire Libraries.

 Following the consultation, the council will consider the comments received before submitting the draft Plan and supporting evidence to the Secretary of State for examination.  All comments received during this consultation will be passed on to the appointed independent Planning Inspector at that stage.

 Any representation received may be accompanied by a request to be notified at a specific address of any of the following: that the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan has been submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination; that the Inspector’s Report (including any recommendations) into the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan has been published; and that the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan has been adopted. 

 Should you require further information, please email: or telephone 01225 713223.

 Yours faithfully,                      

 Alistair Cunningham
Associate Director, Economic Development and Planning