Completion of accounts audit 2018

We have received notice that the external audit of Parish Council accounts for 2018 has been completed and below is a link to the completion documents.

This includes:

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Section 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance Statement

Section 3 – External Auditor Report and Certificate

Completion documents 2018

**The accounts and Return form are available to be provided to any person on request, details on the Notice of Conclusion of Audit.**


Parish Council comment

08/08/18  Crudwell Parish Council has issued the following OBJECTION comment on the proposed Ridgway development.

Crudwell Parish Council considered the above application/amended plans and has the following response to make:


  No Comment
  Support subject to conditions (please set out in box below)
X Object (for reasons set out in box below)
  No Objections


Suggested special conditions/reasons for decision based on local knowledge

Crudwell Parish Council wish to register the following comments, resolved at the Crudwell Parish Council meeting of 07/08/18:-


1.       Planning policy.

The development site is outside the designated settlement boundary and following the 10th July 2018 Wiltshire Council meeting, is not proposed to be allocated in the Housing Site Allocations Plan.  On that basis, the proposal lies within the open countryside and is contrary to both the adopted and emerging Wiltshire development plans.  There is no justification for approving this application outside of the development plan process.


There are no material considerations that suggest the proposal should be approved contrary to the development plan.  The five year housing land supply in the Housing Market Area is above 5 years so the NPPF paragraph 14 ‘tilted balance’ is not triggered.


2.       Potential Housing

The application site has been submitted to the Parish Council as a potential housing site and is being considered alongside others also submitted.






3.      Scale

This would represent the largest single housing development within the Parish and this application is too large for the existing infrastructure.  Key issues include:-

a.       Sewerage/foul drainage

The sewerage system is already at capacity and an upgrade is not planned by Wessex Water.  It remains a long-term problem, the main sewer is too small and runs to Hankerton (who as a Parish have expressed their concerns) and onto Malmesbury.  In heavy rainfall, the pumping station at Crudwell floods releasing foul waste.

b.      Surface water/flooding

Crudwell has a historical issue with flooding, having two extensive floods that caused major damage to property and residents having to vacate their homes.  The surface water from the existing development of 10 houses at Ridgeway Farm runs off towards The Swillbrook.  Surface water pouring from the overflow pipe immediately after heavy rainfall was recorded as a video clip by concerned residents.  This council was assured by Wiltshire Council planning department and the property developers that this would not happen and demonstrates that the measures put in place are not effective.

The proposed flood scheme for the 39 dwellings would direct into The Swillbrook upstream of Crudwell, increasing the flood risk.

c.       Crudwell Primary School

The village school is at full capacity and oversubscribed, unable to enlarge their premises, and so would be unable to accept additional pupils this development would bring.

d.      Highways/transport/footpaths

Tetbury Lane is not suitable as an entrance to a large housing development.  The footpath is not complete from the development to The Street.  This development would increase vehicular traffic, putting residents at risk who walk this lane to access the playing fields and Village Hall.

4.       Landscape and Visual Impact

The proposed development is in an elevated position and it would be hoped a sensitive approach would be taken to possible development, given its location just outside of the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and in keeping with Crudwell as a historic and desirable village.  The existing development is inappropriate in materials, design and spatial layout and this theme also is continued in the proposed development.

5.       Neighbourhood Plan

Crudwell Parish Council is producing a Neighbourhood Plan for Crudwell.  This will identify a site or sites to meet the identified local housing need, preferably through small scale developments which is the preferred route confirmed through the community consultation process of the Neighbourhood Plan.



Lisa Dent


On behalf of Crudwell Parish Council











Construction work around Crudwell School 7th Aug 18

Construction work is programmed to commence on Tuesday 7th August and anticipated to take two weeks to complete. Temporary 3 way traffic signals will be in operation during the works.

Wiltshire Council in implementing its Local Transport Plan (LTP) for 2011-2026 is seeking to develop measures throughout the County, which seek to provide improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and also improve road safety.

This scheme has been developed as part of a request from Crudwell Primary School through the ‘Taking Action on School Journeys’ initiative. This initiative has been developed to give schools the opportunity of providing improvements to school journey routes, for cyclists and pedestrians.

The scheme will see the construction of an informal crossing point and two short sections of footway within the existing verge at The Street, Crudwell, in the vicinity of the Potting Shed public house. A plan outlining the scheme is provided overleaf. The aim of the scheme is to provide a safer route from the car park to the school for parents and pupils of Crudwell Primary School.

An advisory, part time 20mph speed limit will also be introduced and will operate at school drop off and pick up times.

Construction work is programmed to commence on Tuesday 7th August and anticipated to take two weeks to complete. Temporary 3 way traffic signals will be in operation during the works.

Wiltshire Council would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and co-operation whilst the works are carried out.

Full info on the link below

TAOSJ Crudwell Residents Newsletter Early Start

Planning application 39 dwellings Ridgeway Farm

The Parish Council has received notification of an application for Full Planning for 39 residential dwellings and associated works at Ridgeway Farm, to the rear of Athelstan Park from Edenstone Homes.  You may wish to register your comments.  Comments need to be received by 9th August 2018.

To do so online, go to  Wiltshire Council website ( , then Planning section, then search by entering the application reference 18/05429/FUL.  On the next page, click on the blue application number of the left and it will take you to the 48 documents which are plans, reports and statements etc.  On this page, under Download Plans and Documents you can click on Comment on this Application and you will be taken to a form page to enter your comments.  This will be registered and shown online.

If you want to register your comment in writing you can write to the Planning Department (Assigned Officer Richard Sewell) at Development Management, Wiltshire Council, Monkton Park, Chippenham SN15 1ER.

Comments need to be received by 9th August 2018.


Free sports days at Crudwell Hall and Recreation Ground

Fun in the Sun

Free summer holiday sports coaching for children aged 5-11 years old

Recreation Ground, Crudwell, SN16 9HB
(Crudwell Village Hall is available in the event of wet weather)

Wednesday 1 August, 8 August, 15 August, 22 August

12.30pm – 2pm

High quality multi-sports coaching provided by Wiltshire Cricket and Innov8 Sportz. Come along and meet new friends, have fun and stay active.

Bring:  clothes suitable for the weather, sun cream, drink, hat etc.

Removal of Ridgeway Farm Site Allocation 03/07/18

Wiltshire Council Cabinet Meeting 03/07/18


Confirmation has been received, following the Wiltshire Council Cabinet Meeting, that the Ridgeway Farm Site Allocation has been removed from the Wiltshire Site Housing DPD. The final plan needs to be approved by Full Council next week.

We will post more information as we receive it and you can follow the progress of the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan over at




Annual audit year ending 31st March 2018

Having submitted our accounts through an Internal Audit from Auditing Solutions, we now publish the documents below as we submit them to External Audit by LLP Littlejohn.

Please note the accounts are available for inspection from 11th June until 20th July (by appointment) from the Clerk.  Full details are on the notice below.

AGAR Return form

Asset Register at 31st Mar 18

Bank reconciliation at 31st Mar 18

Cashbook 17-18

Internal Audit Report 2017-18

Notice of Inspection

Payments over £100
