Barberry bushes available to help the endangered moths

Are any residents or community groups interested in receiving a Barberry bush?

To help the species thrive, the Crudwell area has been selected to receive Barberry bushes.  The plants like…  areas that are not waterlogged too much in the winter and partial shade.  In the past Barberry was a persecuted plant as it was found to be an intermediary host for a wheat rust fungus.  This is not currently a concern as rust-resistant crop varieties were developed.  However, we do not know if this situation will change in the future with climate change and for that reason we are not planting closer than 20 metres away from cereal crops.

We are looking for suitable locations in Crudwell, towards Hankerton, Long Newnton and Ashley.  The bushes can over time grow to about 7 foot tall but are slow-growing and can be pruned back in late autumn.  They typically fit well in hedgerows and have attractive berries that are great for birds and small mammals, but also have spines!  School gardens, churchyards and village halls with gardens are all good locations too.  More info below:-

Barberry Moths information

Crudwell Parish Council response to Wiltshire County Council Draft Site Allocations Plan

Attached below is the Crudwell Parish Council response in document form, or read in full below.

If you would like to register your comments about the proposed housing allocations, you can do so, the deadline is:  5PM ON FRIDAY 22ND SEPT 2017

The simplest way to make a representation is via email to , but you can also write directly to:

Spatial Planning, Economic Development & Planning, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN.

Crudwell PC response to HSA 180917


To:  Spatial Planning, Economic Development & Planning, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re:  Wiltshire County Council Draft Site Allocations Plan – Crudwell Parish Council response

It is important to differentiate between the village of Crudwell and the designated area for the Neighbourhood plan which is the Parish. The Parish Council believes the village has been described as Large because it has two Hotels, two Pubs, a large lorry haulage yard, a car sales and servicing facility and a School. Many farms surround the Village farms. The village has about 250 dwellings

Crudwell Parish Council has in the past supported the introduction of new build housing projects as a means of sustaining the viability of the village and will continue to do so in the future. With the introduction of small estates every few years the character of the village has not been spoilt and the Conservation area has not been threatened. The centre of the village has been developed from the A429  and the rural feel of the village has been maintained. Ridgeway Farm had been submitted to Wiltshire Council back in 2014.  That application drew much local opposition from local people, principally on the grounds of the scale of the development, it being outside the designated red line settlement boundary, and its likely impact on the local infrastructure, specifically: the likely increased traffic on Tetbury Lane; impacts on already overburdened drainage and sewerage systems and oversubscription of Crudwell Primary School.

It is clear there is a lot of local opposition to having a site allocation plan forced on the village. Over a hundred parishioners turned up at the last Area Board meeting to voice their opinion and over £5000 was raised in a fortnight to engage a consultant to put the villages case to an Inspector.

Whilst it is understood that Wiltshire Council needs to ensure an adequate five year housing land supply across each housing market area, the Site Allocations Plan would result in an oversupply of 4,284 dwellings to 2026 when past completions are combined with deliverable commitments, and windfall sites are included. Even when windfalls are excluded, the oversupply is still 2,198 dwellings across the Housing Market Area.

The Site Allocations Plan also results in an oversupply of homes in the Malmesbury Community Area, even without windfalls. Wiltshire Council has a history of oversupply of homes in the former North

Wilts area excluding Chippenham. In eight of the last ten years more homes have been built than planned, in the other two years targets were virtually met. In fact over the last ten years the average oversupply has been 143% higher than planned.

On this basis, there is no strategic need to identify any new homes at Crudwell, so the Wiltshire Site Allocations Plan should not do so. This Parish Council believes that this plan if adopted will set a planning precedent that will be impossible to manage, it being outside the designated red line settlement boundary.

A major concern to Parishioners is the risk of flooding which happens to properties around the Swillbrook which runs through the centre of the village. Significant damage has occurred to many houses in the village in recent years both through surface water and raw sewerage. Surface water from the proposed site would make this situation far worse.  We must not overlook the fact that many properties around the school and(former) post office green as far up the A429 as The Butts  estate already need non-return valves to stay safe from sewerage flooding until the excess over capacity subsides. In addition, sewerage frequently exudes from all the manhole covers around the PO Green in Tuners Lane due to the lack of Pumping Station capacity , even during only moderate rainfall. The Council have been contacted by Hankerton Parish Council expressing their concern over the increase in Sewerage this plan would bring to their own pumping station as it barely copes at present.

In Conclusion Crudwell Parish Council is surprised a Development as large as this is proposed in a small village with a significant conservation area which already has a School which is full, an identified Sewerage and Drainage problem, has no shop and a bus service which at best is poor and is planned to be reduced. We believe the village has the opportunity through its emerging Neighbourhood Plan to define its own future.


Yours faithfully

Lisa Dent – Clerk and RFO

For Crudwell Parish Council




Crudwell Parish Council Annual Meeting Sat 16th Sept 2017

The meeting is at 10.00 a.m. at the Crudwell Village Hall.

Come along and meet the new Parish Council and Cllr Berry from Wiltshire Council, there will be reports from the Neighbourhood Plan Group, Neighbourhood Watch, Crudwell School and more.  The Parish Council will advise how they are responding to the Wiltshire Council proposed site allocations at Ridgeway Farm.

Agenda APM 2017

Papers for APM

** Update 15th Sept at 5 p.m. – Cllr Berry has unfortunately had to send his apologies due to a family situation which is unavoidable.**



New Parish Councillor Co-Opted September 2017

Crudwell Parish Council are pleased to welcome Annie Smith as Parish Councillor, co-opted at the September 2017 meeting.

This takes our membership to 7 Parish Councillors leaving 2 vacancies, full  details of Councillors and responsibilities is shown on the ‘Our People’ tab.  Further details are available from Lisa the clerk, if you are interested in joining the Parish Council:-

Lisa Dent  Tel: 01285 658172


New Councillors Co-Opted August 2017

The Parish Council is pleased to advise that 3 new Councillors were Co-Opted at our August Parish Council meeting, taking our membership to 6 Councillors.  Three vacancies remain, if you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please contact Lisa, the Clerk:-

tel: 01286 658172

For details of our Councillors please go to the ‘Our People’ page.

Wiltshire Council website – Site allocation information and documents

Hello all,

The above is a link to the Wiltshire Council website,  Draft Wiltshire Site Allocation Plan page.  There are two tabs at the bottom, one for Event information and the other for Supporting Documents.  If you click the Supporting Documents, it opens all the available documents including

  • Malmesbury Area Topic Paper
  • Sustainability Appraisal Malmesbury CAR June 2017

If you bookmark or visit this page it should be the place to go for all relevant documents.  If we receive notification of anything new, we will of course let you know.

Sites development plan leaflet

 The Wiltshire Council Housing Sites Development Plan/Document Leaflet is available to download below:-

Housing Sites Development Plan Document Leaflet

Consultation on the Pre-submission draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan

 Wiltshire Council has published the draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan, along with accompanying evidence reports, for formal consultation. 

 The draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan, a formal Development Plan Document, has been prepared in accordance with the Wiltshire Core Strategy.  It sets out proposals that:

  • revise, where necessary, existing settlement boundaries in relation to the Principal Settlements of Salisbury and Trowbridge, Wiltshire’s Market Towns, Local Service Centres and Large Villages; and
  • allocates new sites for housing to ensure the delivery of homes across the plan period in order to maintain a five year land supply in each of Wiltshire’s three Housing Market Areas over the period to 2026.


Comments are invited on the draft Plan and supporting evidence bases documents during the 10 week consultation period, which runs from 9:00am on Friday 14 July 2017 until 5:00pm on Friday 22 September 2017.

There will be 4 public exhibitions held as part of the consultation. The events will be open between 12 noon and 7pm as follows:


Neeld Community & Art Centre, High Street, Chippenham         Mon 17 July 2017

Guildhall, Market Place, Salisbury                                                      Weds 19 July 2017

Town Hall, St Johns Street, Devizes                                                   Mon 24 July 2017

Atrium, County Hall, Trowbridge                                                       Weds 26 July 2017

 Officers from the Council will be available during the day to answer questions about the draft Plan and we would encourage people to attend and find out more about what the draft Plan proposes in their area.

 How to Respond

 The draft Plan and supporting evidence documents are available to view and download on the Council’s website: A specific representation form, along with a simplified guidance note can also be downloaded. 

 We welcome your comments via the following means:

 online via the Council’s dedicated consultation web site:;

 Please note that copies of all comments (including your personal details) will be made available to the public to view and therefore cannot be treated as confidential. Anonymous representations cannot be accepted.

 Copies of the consultation documents can be viewed during normal opening hours at the Council’s main offices at Monkton Park (Chippenham), Bourne Hill (Salisbury), County Hall (Trowbridge) and Wiltshire Libraries.

 Following the consultation, the council will consider the comments received before submitting the draft Plan and supporting evidence to the Secretary of State for examination.  All comments received during this consultation will be passed on to the appointed independent Planning Inspector at that stage.

 Any representation received may be accompanied by a request to be notified at a specific address of any of the following: that the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan has been submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination; that the Inspector’s Report (including any recommendations) into the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan has been published; and that the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan has been adopted. 

 Should you require further information, please email: or telephone 01225 713223.

 Yours faithfully,                      

 Alistair Cunningham
Associate Director, Economic Development and Planning

Wilts Council Site Allocation drop-in events

For information:- see page 31 of the agenda – link shown at the bottom of this page –  info is copied here:

Draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan – Advance notice of
consultation Wiltshire Council’s Cabinet, on 20 June, approved the draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan for consultation to commence in July.
The draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan, a formal Development Plan
Document, has been prepared in accordance with the Wiltshire Core Strategy. It will allocate new sites for housing and amend, where necessary, settlement
boundaries at the Principal Settlements of Salisbury and Trowbridge, Market
Towns, Local Service Centres and Large Villages.
Although the consultation will not start until Friday 14 July 2017 (and continue for 10 weeks) the Council are seeking to raise awareness through the Area Board network of the consultation period and drop in events being held as part of the consultation.
The drop-in events will be open between 12 noon and 7pm as follows:
Neeld Community & Art Centre, High Street, Chippenham SN15 3ER -Monday 17  July 2017
Guildhall, Market Place, Salisbury SP1 1JH – Wednesday 19 July 2017
Town Hall, St Johns Street, Devizes SN10 1BN – Monday 24 July 2017
Atrium, County Hall, Trowbridge BA14 8JN – Wednesday 26 July 2017
Officers from the Council will be available during the day to answer questions
about the draft Plan and we would encourage people to attend to find out more about what the draft Plan proposes in their area.
From the start of consultation on Friday 14 July, the draft Plan and the supporting evidence will be available during normal opening hours at the Council’s main offices (Monkton Park, Chippenham; Bourne Hill, Salisbury; and County Hall, Trowbridge) and in all Wiltshire Council libraries. It will also be available on the  Council’s web site via this link:
Information about how to comment on the draft Plan will be circulated via the area  board networks closer to this time.

Link to Area Board papers