Fun in the Sun – Free Childrens Summer Holiday Multi-Sports in Crudwell

Fun in the Sun is back for 2017 at the Crudwell Village Hall/Recreation Ground

A fun activity programme, provided by Wiltshire Council’s Sports
Development team, it is aimed at delivering regular sports sessions for young people in rural locations across the county.
Sports delivered may change on a week by week basis but will include tag
rugby, cricket, football, dodgeball, tennis, rounders, athletics and team activities.
Children must bring with them a completed consent form. These can be
downloaded from the Wiltshire Council website, collected at school or collected at their first session of attendance. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first served basis.   To prepare for the weather,  we suggest that children bring with them a hat, sun cream and a water bottle if it’s sunny and a waterproof coat.

12.30 – 2 pm Wednesday 26th July and 2nd, 9th and 16th of August


Crudwell Parish Council Meetings

The Parish Council meets on the first Tues of each month in the meeting room at Crudwell Village Hall at 7 p.m.

Your councillors are:-

Councillor Peter Gilchriest, Councillor Terry Fraser and Councillor Jonathan Stanford.  We currently have vacancies for councillors, please contact the clerk for further information.

Your Parish Clerk is Lisa Dent, 76 Dyer Street, Cirencester, Gloucs GL7 2PF

Tel: 01285 658172 email:

Ridgeway Farm development site

Ridgeway Farm Site – Update 14th June 2017

Under the terms of the Wiltshire Council Strategic Housing Land Allocation Policy, Wiltshire Council has indicated that The Ridgeway Farm Site area may be extended to include a development for a further 40 dwellings. There will be a consultation period to be announced in due course.

There are two ways you can access the report.  *These are large documents and may take time to load*

  1. We have attached a link to the Wiltshire Council document (please search for ‘Crudwell’ to find the relevant pages).

2.  Here is the report which we have downloaded to our website

 Wiltshire Council report

If you are having problems with the 1.  the link, please click on the Wiltshire Council report above.

Any information we receive concerning this neighbourhood planning issue, will be communicated through here, the parish council website and also through What’s On parish newsletter.




Re-run of full Parish Council Election – Thurs 22 June 2017

The date to re-run the full Parish Council elections for areas with either no candidates or an insufficient number of validly nominated candidates to form a quorum has been set to take place on Thursday 22 June 2017.  This includes Crudwell.

Information attached:- a copy of the election timetable, Notice of Election and also a Nomination Paper pack.   

Combined Notice Of Election Parish Council Re-runs from 4 May 2017

Parish EC Nomination-pack-incl-election-agent-notification-form-P-and-C

Statutory Parish Council Re-runs – Thursday 22 June 2017

Nomination Papers must be hand delivered to one of the locations listed below and can only be delivered between the hours of 10am and 4pm  daily (excluding weekends) from Thursday 18 May 2017 until the statutory deadline for receipt of 4pm on Thursday 25 May 2017.   

Nomination papers must be hand delivered only to the following locations:

  • Main Reception at County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN  Please ask for a member of the Electoral Services Team on arrival or
  • Main Reception at Council Offices, Monkton Park, Chippenham SN15 1ER. Please ask for a member of the Electoral Services Team on arrival
  • Fiver Rivers Health & Wellbeing Centre, Hulse Road, Salisbury   SP1 3NR.  Please ask for a member of the Electoral Services Team on arrival.

 Please note that documents relating to these elections will also be published on the Wiltshire Council website at:

 Further information will be notified to you following the close of nominations on Thursday 25 May 2017. 

Annual Parish Meeting Sat 20th May 2017 at 10.00 a.m.

We will be holding our Annual Parish Meeting at the Crudwell Village Hall at 10.00am on Saturday 20th May 2017.  We hope to be able to update you on what has been achieved over the last year from the Parish Council and have reports/speakers from community groups.  All welcome to attend.

The Draft Minutes from last year and reports are attached:-


Churchwardens report to APM 2016

Crudwell Preschool report to APM 2016

Crudwell school report to APM 2016

CRUDWELL trust report to APM 2016

CVHRG Report to APM 2016

Lord Lucas Trust report 2016


Unitary and Parish Council elections 2017

Results have been received for the recent elections.

For Crudwell, there were insufficient candidates to form a quorum, so a fresh election will be required.  Any uncontested candidates will be declared elected unopposed, but will be unable to act until after the fresh elections which will be sometime in June 2017.

We will post more information when available.

Election letter Apr 17 results

Stmt of pers nominated election 2017

2 Smt fo pers nominated election 2017

Finance/Audit for year end 2017

Crudwell Parish Council will be undertaking its internal audit (provided by Auditing Solutions) on 20th April 2017.  Accounts are to be submitted to external auditors Grant Thornton by 30th June 2017.  We will be posting all documentation here as we progress along the audit.

Update 8th September 2017, Conclusion of Audit 2016-17

We have received notification from external auditors Grant Thornton that the audit process has been concluded and the (1)External Auditor Certificate and Opinion and (2) Notice of Conclusion of Audit are attached below.  There will be new external auditors appointed next year, we will advise in due course.

Notice Conclusion 16-17

Ext auditor cert-opinion




Agendas April 2017 to March 2018

Notice April 2017

Papers April 2017

Notice May 2017

Papers May 2017

No Parish Council meeting in June 2017

Notice July 2017

Papers July 2017

Notice August 2017

Papers August 2017

Notice Sept 17

Papers Sept 2017

Notice Oct 2017

Papers Oct 2017

Notice Nov 2017

Papers Nov 2017

Agenda Dec 2017

Papers Dec 2017

Notice Jan 2018

Papers Jan 2018

Notice Feb 2018

Papers Feb 2018

Notice March 2018

Papers March 2018