Elections – 4th May 2017

Crudwell Parish Council (and all the Town and Parish Councils in Wiltshire) and Wiltshire Council elections are being held on Thurs 4th May 2017.  Town and parish councils are the first level of local government. They provide communities with a democratic voice and a structure for taking community action.  Volunteering your time as a Parish Councillor gives you a chance to make such a huge difference to quality of life for people in your local area.  Crudwell Parish Council has an allocation of 9 seats.

  The clerk will also be sent a supply of nomination packs for access in the community, if you would like to receive this please contact Lisa (Clerk).  We will be keeping this website page updated with information and hope to encourage people to stand for election. 

Lisa Dent – Crudwell Parish Clerk

Contact Lisa on email:-  parish.clerk@crudwell-pc.gov.uk or tel 01285 658172

Elections 2017 Timetable for Local Councils

Full notice of Election Parish Councillors

Notice of Election Unitary Councillors


**Results/statements of persons nominated and covering letter regarding additional June 2017 election**

Election letter Apr 17 results

Stmt of pers nominated election 2017

2 Smt fo pers nominated election 2017


New Police Community Support Officer for Crudwell

PCSO John Bordiss Community Support Officer for

Crudwell, John Bordiss PCSO 6017

From the Community Policing Teams 

Community Policing is a new policing model introduced across Wiltshire Police in 2016, it has replaced the previous model of separate teams such as Neighbourhood Policing and Response, to bring together all officers, civilian staff and Special Constables in an area to work as one Community Policing Team.


 How to contact your local team:

•If your call is an emergency please dial 999.     •If you need to report a non-urgent crime/incident/anti-social behaviour, request an update on an investigation or make a complaint then please dial 101.

•To contact your CPT about a community-related matter, such as a school visit, then please email cptnorthwiltshire@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk  


To receive regular updates about policing in your area please sign up for our free Community Messaging service  www.wiltsmessaging.co.uk  

 Your local “Police Community Support Officer” is –

 PCSO 6017 John Bordiss

Ashton Keynes and Minety

Non-Emergency 101 ext 36017

Emergency 999

Work Mobile: 07471 029674


Royal Wootton Bassett Police Station, Lime Kiln, Royal Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, SN4 7JJ







Approved Minutes April 2016 to March 2017

Approved Minutes Apr 16                            Approved Minutes May 16

Approved Minutes June 16                          Approved Minutes July 16

Approved Minutes Aug 16                  No Parish Council meeting in Sept 2016

Approved Minutes Oct 16                           Approved Minutes Nov 16

Approved Minutes Dec 16                          Approved Minutes Jan 17

Approved Minutes Feb 17                           Public Speaking Feb 17

Approved Minutes Mar 17

AGM Crudwell Village Hall & Rec Ground Tues 21st Mar 7.30pm

Notice of Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Crudwell Village Hall and Recreation Ground Will be held at Crudwell Village Hall on Tuesday 21st March at 7.30 p.m. The public are invited to attend.

At this meeting a new committee will be elected, the committee will also be reviewing what the Village Hall Committee has achieved in the last twelve months and the new committee will be making plans for 2017. For further information please contact:  Annie Smith   chair@cvhrg.org.uk

Crudwell Parish Council logo

Welcome to Crudwell Parish Council.  Our Parish Council meetings are on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 .p.m. Crudwell Village Hall.

May 2017

Parish Election Update – At the recent Parish Council elections two Crudwell Parish Councillors were re-elected unopposed and we require a minimum number of three.  A fresh election will be taking place in July 2017 and we will give you more details when we receive this from Wiltshire Council.  Our two councillors remain elected unopposed and the Parish Council has taken steps review what needs our attention over the next couple of months and where possible completing these tasks now, with the current Parish Council.

It is business as usual, we have the support of Wiltshire Council and we are confident there will be no difference in the services and arrangements we provide to the Parish.