Urgent road closure notice 1st Mar 21 A429 (Part), St. Paul Malmesbury Without

Click  here  for plan/notice/full details

WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on 1 March 2021, the following length of road shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Forest Traffic Services LTD to carry out tie-in works for Hullavington Airfield Access Road for resurfacing. A429 (Part), St. Paul Malmesbury Without; from its junction with Seagry Road to property known as Kingway Barn Farm

Alternative route: via A429 (unaffected length), A433, A4135, A46, A420, A350, A429 (unaffected length) and vice versa. Alternative route (HGV): via A429 (unaffected length), A419, M4, A429 (unaffected length) and vice versa. The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. These works will commence on 1 March 2021 and are anticipated to be required for 5 nights between the hours of 21:00 and 06:00. This Notice will have a maximum duration of 5 days. For further information regarding these works please contact Greg Sullivan on the behalf of Forest Traffic Services LTD on 0800 3285250.

Road Closure – Crudwell; junction with A429 to junction with Chelworth Manor Farm Road

Road Closure – 8th March to 19th March due to Gigaclear installing cables
Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic: C97 (Part), Crudwell; from its junction with A429 to its junction with Chelworth Manor Farm Road.
To enable: Gigaclear Limited to carry out excavation works to lay cable.
Alternative route: via C97 (unaffected length) – C85 -A429 and vice versa.
The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. This Order which previously came into operation on 25 January 2021 will now recommence on 08 March 2021 and the closure will be required until 19 March 2021. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order has a maximum duration of 18 months. For further information please contact Nick Addey on 07703823781 at Gigaclear Limited. Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN

Urgent Road Closure of: B4014 (Part), Brokenborough

WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on 25 February 2021, the following length of road shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Wiltshire Council to carry out carriageway reactive patching and associated maintenance works.

B4014 (Part), Brokenborough; from the property known as Sunset Hill Cottage for approximately 800m in a southerly direction. Alternative route: via B4014 (unaffected length), A433, A429, B4014 (unaffected length) and vice versa.

The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works.

These works will commence on 25 February 2021 and are anticipated to be required for 1 night between the hours of 19:00 and 06:00. This Notice will have a maximum duration of 5 days. For further information regarding these works please contact Helen Pickett on the behalf of Wiltshire Council on 01225 713376.


Click here for notice and map

Emergency Road Closure 8th Feb 2021 – The Ridgway

We have recd notice of road closure effective from today, 8th Feb 2021
Required for 3 days
12m outside property 6 The Ridgway. Access maintained for residents and businesses.                 Required by Wessex Water to carry out repair to a leak.
The following length of road shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Wessex Water to carry out urgent repair of a ferrule leak. The Ridgeway (Part), Crudwell; from the road outside the property known as 6, The Ridgeway, Crudwell, in a Northerly direction for approximately 12m.
No alternative route is available; access will be maintained for residents and businesses although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The closure will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. These works will commence on 8 February 2021 and are anticipated to be required for 3 days. This Notice will have a maximum duration of 5 days. For further information regarding these works please contact Matthew Coles on 07776226316 at Wessex Water Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN

Tues 2nd Feb 21 Crudwell Parish Council Meeting

Here follows the draft agenda for the Crudwell Parish Council meeting on Tues 2nd Feb at 7 p.m.                  Click for   :  PDF of agenda 

Due to late planning application received for consideration the agenda has been updated on 31st Jan 2021


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 951 5138 0037                           Passcode: 794758

The Public and Press are cordially invited to be present. The order of business may be varied.   All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out below.

  1. Chairman to open meeting, inform it is being recorded to assist in producing Minutes, welcome and apologies

  2. Declarations of Interest to items on the agenda

  3. To approve Minutes of the Parish Council meeting from Tues 5th January 2021 meeting

  4. Matters Arising January 2021 Parish Council meeting

  5. Parish Councillor (one) vacancy advertised

  6. Finance To include (1) Current bank balances  (2) Accounts for payment (3) Allotments invoicing and payment to Mrs Browning (4)  Renewal of debit card (5)  QFS due for period Oct – Dec 20 (6) End of Feb 21 VAT reclaim

  7. Planning/Development 1. Application Ref: 20/10336/FUL Application for Full Planning  Proposal:-  Two storey & first floor extensions to main house & conversion of former haystore into dependent persons accommodation  At: Oliver House Stud, Chedglow,   Crudwell, SN16 9EZ              Comments by:  02 Feb 2021                                  2.   Application Ref: 20/10839/FUL Application for Full Planning  Proposal:-  Single storey extension with extending kitchen and dining room, changing conservatory to garden/sunroom. At: 5 The Firs, Kemble, Wilts, GL7 6AZ     Comments by:  03 Feb 2021

    3.  Application Ref: 21/00083/FUL          Application for Full Planning

    Proposal:-  Change of use of two farm buildings from agriculture to a mixed use of agriculture, butcher and

    for commercial use (E(g), B2 and B8) uses.  At:     Chedglow Field Farm, Crudwell Lane, Upper Chedglow,  Malmesbury, Wilts, SN16 9HA  comments to be received by: 28 Jan 2021 (?)

8. Wiltshire Council report (Cllr C Berry) – Standing Item9.  Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Report (Cllr R Lambley) – Standing Item

1.  Disposal of sewerage and the alleviation of flooding risks from potential future housing in Crudwell – TF/RL

2. Vision consultants daily rate for further NHP/Community Liaison Group to be clarified when confirmed

3.  WALPA meeting 28th Jan 2021

4.  Local Plan consultation

  1. Covid 19 Community Initiative – (Cllr R Lambley) – Standing Item   1. Clerk and RL attended online training to manage MyCrudwell website and Mailchimp posts


  1. Parish Matters

    1.Parking Tuners Lane – widening, parking on grassed area

    2. Trees (1)  Fallen tree – removal  (2)  Progress treeworks from report, awaiting contact from ID Verde

    3. Flooding – Eastcourt update (JS)

    4. Playground (1) roundabout maintenance/new bearing update if available (2)  Independent playground inspection is due Jan/Feb 21

    5. Track at Rommel Lane – plan/note for Land Registry

    6. Highways/speeding – Thurs 4th Feb 7pm – 7.50 pm North Wiltshire Speeding Concerns meeting

    7. Resident correspondence – basketball hoops to Crudwell Rec Ground

    8. Parish Steward (JS)


  1. Other projects

    1. Review/redesign of parish council and MyCrudwell websites to include accessibility requirements

    2. Eastcourt BT Telephone Box/defibrillator


  1. Closing comments/Chair to close meeting

Lisa Dent – (Clerk Crudwell Parish Council)



Items for next meeting: Tues 2nd March

  • Financial Risk Assessment
  • Review Internal Audit Report 2020
  • To confirm that VAT reclaim has been submitted

Agenda/Zoom log in for meeting Tues 5th Jan 2021 at 7pm


Notice is given that the Meeting of the Parish Council will be held remotely via Zoom due to the current Covid 19 pandemic on  Tues 5th Jan 2020 at 7.00 pm 

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 940 4603 6571                                     Passcode: 178387

The Public and Press are cordially invited to be present. The order of business may be varied.

 All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out below.


1.Chairman to open meeting, inform it is being recorded to assist in producing Minutes, welcome and apologies

2.Declarations of Interest to items on the agenda

3. To approve Minutes of the Parish Council meeting from Weds 2nd Dec 2020 meeting

4. Matters Arising December 2020 Parish Council meeting

5. Finance To include (1) Current bank balances      (2) Accounts for payment  (3)  Renewal of debit card (4)  QFS due for period Oct – Dec 20

  1. Planning/Development        

Application Ref: 20/09502/FUL Application for Full Planning


Proposal:-  Addition of self-contained, removable, biomass plant room and hopper.   At:     Kemble Airfield Enterprise Park, Building 16, A429 The Firs North To County Boundary,  Kemble, Wilts GL7 6BQ      Comments by:  Extension in place to 5th Jan 2020


Application Ref: 20/10336/FUL Application for Full Planning


Proposal:-  Two storey & first floor extensions to main house & conversion of former haystore into

dependent persons accommodation  At: Oliver House Stud, Chedglow, Crudwell, SN16 9EZ

Comments by:  Extension in place to 5th Jan 2020


Application Ref: 20/09939/FUL Application for Full Planning


Proposal:-  To install 2.4m high acoustic fencing along the boundary.  At: Hedgehogs, A429

Hankerton Field North To The Street, Crudwell, Wilts SN16 9EY    Comments by:  11 January 2021


Application Ref: 20/10830/FUL  Application for Full Planning


Proposal:  Retrospective application for the raising of roof on detached double Garage At: Ashlea, Tetbury

Lane,  Crudwell, SN16 9HB   Comments by:  29 January 2021

  1. Wiltshire Council report (Cllr C Berry) – Standing Item


  1. Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Report (Cllr R Lambley) – Standing Item

To include:  Consultants fees review


  1. Covid 19 Community Initiative – (Cllr R Lambley) – Standing Item


  1. Parish Matters

Trees (1)  Fallen tree – removal  (2)  Progress treeworks from report (TF)

Flooding – recent events/correspondence

Playground (1) roundabout maintenance/new bearing

Emergency plan

Track at Rommel Lane – plan/note for Land Registry

Crudwell footpath/right of way issue


Parish Steward (JS)


  1. Other projects

Review/redesign of parish council and MyCrudwell websites to include accessibility requirements

Eastcourt BT Telephone Box/defibrillator


  1. Closing comments/Chair to close meeting.

Lisa Dent – (Clerk Crudwell Parish Council)

Agenda as a pdf file below:-

Draft agenda Jan 21 PCM

Road Closure: 25/1 – 5/2/21 Crudwell A429 – Chelworth Manor Farm Rd.

Notice received from Wiltshire Council

Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic:

C97 (Part), Crudwell; from its junction with A429 to its junction with Chelworth Manor Farm Road.

To enable: Gigaclear Limited to carry out excavation works to lay cable. Alternative route: via C97 (unaffected length) – C85 -A429 and vice versa. The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.

This Order will come into operation on 25 January 2021 and the closure will be required until 05 February 2021. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works.

The Order will have a maximum duration of 18 months. For further information please contact Nick Addey on 07703823781 at Gigaclear Limited. Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN