Financial Audit Year End 31st March 2024

29th May 2024 – Crudwell Parish Council convened tonight to agree and adopt the financial audit information.  We list here the following documents for our financial audit.  Please note, we are requested to declare that the Accounting Statements detailed on the AGAR form are as yet unaudited.

Asset register and land ownership

Internal Audit report from Auditing Solutions

Notice – rights of inspection

Payments over £100


Parish Councillor Roles and Responsibilities

Bank Reconciliation

AGAR form

Crudwell Parish Council Meetings 2024

We currently have two parish councillor vacancies .

For more information please contact Lisa Dent (Crudwell Parish Clerk) on


Meeting dates

We meet at Crudwell Village Hall, Tetbury Lane, Crudwell SN16 9HB at 7 p.m. in the committee room, off the main hall.  All are welcome to attend.   

The Annual Meeting of the Parish will take place at Crudwell Village Hall on Saturday 22nd June at 11.30 a.m.  All welcome to attend.

Agenda here   (2023 approved minutes)

Crudwell Parish Council meetings

March 24 19th March 24
April 24 16th April  24
May 24 14th May  24
June 24 25th  June 24
July 24 16th July  24
August 24 20th Aug  24
Sept 24 17th Sept  24
Oct 24 8th Oct  24
Nov 24 19th Nov  24
Dec 24 10th Dec  24
Jan 25 21st Jan 25
Feb 25 11th Feb 25
March 25 18th March 25
April 25 15th April 25


Vacancy for Parish Councillor

Would you like to become a Crudwell Parish Councillor?

Crudwell Parish Council has vacancies for 3 Parish Councillors

Crudwell Parish Council has an allocation of 9 Councillors, at present there are 6 serving Councillors.

Crudwell Parish Council meets monthly, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.00pm.

If you would like to more information please contact:

Lisa Dent (Parish Clerk) on

More details on the HOW TO GET INVOLVED tab on Crudwell Parish Council website

 You must be aged 18 or over, an elector, and have been a resident or worked within 3 miles of the parish for the past year

Click below for vacancy notice

Vacancy Notice PDF

Crudwell Parish Council January 2023 Meeting – 24th January 2023 at 7 pm

Crudwell Parish Council January 2023 Meeting

Please find attached the agenda for Tuesday 24th January 2023 at 7 pm

The venue is Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room but we await confirmation of availability.  If there is a change it will be posted here and also on the Crudwell Facebook page.

January 2023 agenda – click



Crudwell Annual Financial Audit – Year ending 31st March 2022

As a smaller authority with a turnover under £25,00 we have listed our financial documentation here, in accordance with the Transparency Act:-

Designated Responsibilities June 2022

Public Rights 2022

Land ownership and Asset register closing March 2022

Expenditure over £100


Bank reconciliation

Crudwell Internal Audit Report 2021-22

Completed AGAR form

Certificate of exemption



Name and address of External Auditor

PKF Littlejohn LLP (Ref: SBA Team),

15 Westferry Circus,

Canary Wharf,

London E14 4HD



Crudwell Parish Council May 2022 Meeting – Annual Meeting

The Annual Parish Council meeting for Crudwell Parish Council will be held on 11th May 2022 at 7 pm at Pettifers Hotel in Crudwell.

Agenda is attached below:-

Agenda May 2022

Please contact the Clerk if you would like to attend so we can ensure social distancing is in place.


Kind regards.


Crudwell Parish Council meeting 2nd Nov 2021 at 7 pm now online

The Crudwell Parish Council meeting on 2nd November 2021 at 7 pm will now take place online on Zoom:- details as follows

Link to Draft agenda 021121

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 2228 8295

Passcode: 456611


End of Financial Year March 2021

As a Local Council authority, we need to post the following documents as part of our annual audit for the year ending 31st March 2021:- We are a smaller authority with turnover less than £25,000 so we are registering for a Smaller Authority Audit.

If you would like to examine the Accounts this is by appointment, please see the Notice of Public Rights and contact the Clerk who will be happy to help you and make an appointment.

Lisa Dent/Clerk and RFO Crudwell Parish Council tel: 01285 658172



AGAR Form page 1

AGAR Form page 2 Guidance Notes

AGAR Form page 3 Cert of Exemption

AGAR Form page 4 Annual Internal Audit Report 20-21

AGAR Form page 5 Annual Governance Statement 20-21

AGAR Form page 6 Accounting Statements 20-21

Asset Register

Bank reconciliation

Designated Responsibilities June 2021

Internal Audit Report 2020-21

Items of Expenditure over £100

Land ownership

Notice of Public Rights

Variances 20-21