Crudwell Parish Council Meetings 2024

16th Jan 2024 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here–    Agenda Jan 24

Approved Minutes Jan 2024



13th Feb 2024 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here           Agenda Feb 24

Minutes will be uploaded here  Approved Minutes February 2024


19th March 2024  7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here  Agenda March 2024

Minutes will be uploaded here Approved Minutes  March 2024


14th April 2024 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here        Agenda April 24

Minutes will be uploaded here


14th May 2024 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here Annual Meeting of PC May 2024 

Minutes will be posted here   AMPC 14th May 2024


25th June 2024 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here  Agenda June 2024

Minutes will be posted here


16th July 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here Agenda July 2024

Parish Council meetings dates 2023

Meeting dates – we are currently finalising our meeting dates for the remainder of the year.  We will advise these as soon as it is possible.

May meeting – 30th May 2023

June meeting – 20th June 2023

Annual Meeting of the Parish – Saturday 17th June 2023.   Venue to be advised

July meeting – 18th July 2023

August meeting – AUGUST tba

September meeting – SEPTEMBER tba

October meeting – OCTOBER tba

November meeting – 21st November 2023

December meeting – DECEMBER tba

Crudwell Parish Council meeting 18th October 2022 at 7 pm

The October Crudwell Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th October at 7 pm at Crudwell Village Hall.  All welcome to attend.

  • Welcome to all Parish Councillors, apologies and absence.
  • Approval of Minutes from September 2022
  • Matters arising
  • Items for inclusion at Chairman’s discretion
  • Finance
  • Bank account balances for Treasurers  account and Business Bank account
  • Bank Mandate – update (Cllr Stewart)
  • Accounts for payment
  • QFS to be completed June – Sept 2022


  • Planning
  • Applications received

Application No: PL/2022/06948Comment by 10/11/22

Application Type: Full planning permission

Proposal: Amendments to planning permission reference No: 19/10217/FUL including alterations to the fenestration, gable replacing hip roof and existing part building retained rebuilt, all retrospective

Site Address: Land Adjoining The Willows, Tuners Lane, Crudwell, Wiltshire, SN16 9EL



Application No: PL/2022/07489 – Comment by 03/11/22

Application Type: Full planning permission

Proposal:  Change of use from Use Class C3 (Dwellinghouse) to Mixed Class C3/Class E(f) use to allow for the operation of a childminding business from the dwellinghouse. Removal of 1.5m wide section of wall to the front, and 1m wide section of wall to the side.




  • Wiltshire Council report
  • Neighbourhood Plan Report
  • Covid 19 report


Parish Matters

  • Crudwell VH draft AGM report. To consider:  Parish Council representation (non trustee) at meetings
  • Offer of D of E – litter picking. 13 year old resident  (will be accompanied by an adult)
  • Footpaths and stiles
  • Defibrillator reporting – assistance to register weekly emails
  • Parish Steward – To note: New two-person Parish Stewards team with improved equipment. Submit list of works to be prioritised by the Local Highways team.
  • Playground: Service of play equipment : Creative Play provisionally scheduled for week commencing 28/11/22 along with the planned repairs.  FAF, assistance required to confirm caps and covers missing.
  • bark chippings

Project work

  • Review of parish Council website in compliance with Website Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA ratingso that it meets Accessibility Guidelines as set in the Public Sector Bodies Accessibility regulation.  To note:  Proposal and costing circulated prior to meeting.


  • Alvan Blanche – defibrillator grant/purchase

Vacancies for Councillors at Crudwell Parish Council

Would you like to become a Crudwell Parish Councillor?

Crudwell Parish Council has vacancies for 3 Parish Councillors

Crudwell Parish Council has an allocation of 9 Councillors, at present there are 6 serving Councillors.


Crudwell Parish Council meets monthly, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.00pm.

If you would like to more information please contact:

Lisa Dent (Parish Clerk) on


More details on the HOW TO GET INVOLVED tab on Crudwell Parish Council website


You must be aged 18 or over, an elector, and have been a resident or worked within 3 miles of the parish for the past year

July 2021

Crudwell Parish Council Meeting May 2021

Following the recent Local Elections we have a new Parish Council from 10th May 2021.  In order to comply with risk assessments regarding face to face meetings which now have to take place for a Parish Council and to undertake the statutory requirements of this May meeting, the meeting has been moved to:-

Tues 25th May at 7.15 pm

and we are awaiting confirmation of the venue at Crudwell Village Hall.

Further confirmation once the venue is confirmed and agenda will follow, please check back for information.

Lisa Dent

Parish Clerk – Crudwell

Meeting date has changed: May Parish Council Meeting 11th May 2021

Due to the upcoming elections and change of Parish Council members, the May meeting will be held on 11th May 2021 at 7 pm 

We are unsure if this will be online or in person at the Crudwell Village Hall so please follow the website for further information.  Guidelines are changing and we need to follow the recommendations.

Thank You

Lisa Dent

Clerk – Crudwell Parish Council