Who we are

Crudwell Parish Council has an allocation of 9 councillors.
There is one paid member of staff – Lisa Dent Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Contact details: parish.clerk@crudwell-pc.gov.uk Tel: 07971 200570
There is no council office, the clerk works from home and the address is available on request.
We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room. If you have accessibility needs, please contact us in advance of attending at there is a step to the committee room and you may need to access via the front door.

Your Crudwell Parish Councillors are:-

(1) Roy Lambley  (Chairman)

(2) Peter Gilchriest      (Vice Chairman)

(3) Gary Lawes

(4) Oliver Hughes

(5) Neil Doel

(6) Stephen Butcher

(7) Ian Warner



We currently have no committees. There is a Neighbourhood Planning Group which reports to Crudwell Parish Council.
Our Councillors have an extensive knowledge of the Parish and local area.