A429 Closure from 30th September 2019
Documents below confirm the closure of sections of the A429 which will be closed for roadworks from 30th September until 2nd October 2019
Crudwell Parish Council statutory documents
Crudwell Parish Council statutory documents can be found here:-
Designated Councillor Responsibilities June 2019
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (Crudwell) Sat 10th Aug 19 at 10.00 am
To: Members of the Council and All Parishioners
You are hereby invited to attend thAnnual Meeting of the Parish Council (Crudwell) At the Crudwell Village Hall on
Saturday 10th August 2019 at 10.00 a.m., for transacting the following business.
If there is an issue you would like to raise for the Open Forum, but cannot attend please email clerk@crudwell-pc.gov.uk
- Apologies received
- Minutes to previous APM meeting 5th May 2018
- Chairmans Report/Achievements of the Parish Council 2018
- Accounts/ Finance
- Wiltshire Council Report – Cllr Berry
- Crudwell Parish Reports
Where available:-
6.1 Crudwell School
6.2 Crudwell Trust
6.3 Lord Lucas Trust
6.4 Parochial Church Council
6.5 Police Community Support Officer – John Bordiss
6.6 Muck In (Annual Village Tidy)
6.7 Village Hall & Recreation Area/Grounds
- Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan
- Open Forum/Questions/Issues
- Closing Comment/Chairman to close meeting
If there is an issue you would like to raise for the Open Forum, but cannot attend please email clerk@crudwell-pc.gov.uk
Internal and External Information Year Ending March 2019
Here follows the Audit documents (both Internal and external) for Crudwell Parish Year Ending March 2019
Crudwell PC Expenditure over £100
Statutory Documents
Please find below the Crudwell Parish Council:-
Planning Appeal Decision Ridgeway Farm 5 June 2019
Appeal Ref: APP/Y3940/W/19/3220214
Land at Ridgeway Farm (to the rear of Athelstan Park)
Decision – The appeal is dismissed.
• The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission.
• The appeal is made by Edenstone Homes against the decision of Wiltshire Council.
• The application Ref 18/05429/FUL, dated 6 June 2018, was refused by notice dated 7 December 2018.
• The development proposed is erection of 36 residential dwellings and associated works.
Full document is available below
Ridgeway site, housing allocation plans
The Parish Council submitted the following letter on 24th May 2018
This was followed up with a further response in November 2018