Meeting date has changed: May Parish Council Meeting 11th May 2021

Due to the upcoming elections and change of Parish Council members, the May meeting will be held on 11th May 2021 at 7 pm 

We are unsure if this will be online or in person at the Crudwell Village Hall so please follow the website for further information.  Guidelines are changing and we need to follow the recommendations.

Thank You

Lisa Dent

Clerk – Crudwell Parish Council

Crudwell Parish Council meeting Tues 2nd March 2021 at 7 pm

Updated 28th Feb 2021, we have added Elections 2021 to the agenda, please use this as the current link :-  Updated agenda to show Elections 2021

The meeting will be conducted online through Zoom, log in details:-

Crudwell Parish Council – Time: Mar 2, 2021 7:00 PM

Joining instructions are shown on the agenda and repeated below:-

Join Zoom Meeting click here

Meeting ID: 979 6949 9651                  Passcode: 880093

Aura Power’s proposal to develop a solar farm – Kemble

To Crudwell residents, in particular those in Chelworth

We have received information from A. The area of land being considered for the solar farm is on the Bathurst Estate, southwest of Kemble and northwest of Chelworth. The site lies within both Cotswold District Council and Wiltshire Council and the parishes of Kemble and Ewen and Crudwell with Oaksey as the neighbouring parish.

Aura Power is going to conduct a public consultation and is seeking feedback on the proposal from the local community and interested parties.

Because of the current restrictions due to social distancing, it will be a virtual consultation event online to provide further information on the proposed solar farm and the environmental studies that have taken place to date. A recording will be made available to watch for those who can not attend.

Please see attached copy of the flyer that has been distributed to roughly 580 residences in the immediate vicinity of the project. Further information is available on our website where you can also register for the online event:

I have copied all the information received, in the pictures below this post. To register for the event, please to go the Aurapower website, shown above.
Lisa Dent/Clerk – Crudwell

Audit for year ending 31st March 2020

Crudwell Parish Council is an ‘Exempt Authority’, as at year end 31st March 2020 our annual income/expenditure was less than £25,000 for this financial year.

To meet our statutory requirements we need to publish  the following documents, the day before the public rights period commences:

Published/uploaded on Friday 3rd July 2020 (one working day before our public rights period commences on  Monday 6th July 2020)


(a)      Accounting Statements Section 2 of AGAR Part 2 


(b) Completed Rights Notice – notice of public rights and notes which accompany the Notice

and which sets out—

(i) the period for the exercise of public rights;

(ii) details of the manner in which notice should be given of an intention to inspect the accounting records and other documents;

(iii) the name and address of the local auditor;

(iv) the provisions contained in section 25 (inspection of statements of accounts etc), section 26 (inspection of documents etc) and section 27 (right to make objections at audit) of the Act, as they have effect in relation to the authority in question;


Additional Documents


(c)       Variances completed 2019-20

(d)       Bank reconciliation

(e)       Internal Audit Report AGAR

(f)        Auditing Solutions Internal Audit Report 2019-20

(g)       Designated Responsibilities June 2020

(h)       Asset Register March 2020

(i)         Land ownership

(j)           Expenditure over £100



Vacancy Crudwell Parish CouncilParish Clerk

Vacancy at Crudwell Parish Council – Parish Clerk

Applications close Monday 23rd Dec 2019

Crudwell Parish Council is looking to recruit a new Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer ASAP.  The new clerk will be required to work primarily from home and the Parish Council will provide a laptop and printer/scanner.  The Council meets on the first Tuesday of each month.  The role is for approximately 30 hours a month plus agreed expenses and attracts a salary on NJC pay scales for part-time clerks.

The Council is looking for someone with good computer, admin and communication skills, (training can be given), and the ability to deal with  simple financial matters.

Please contact the Parish Clerk Lisa Dent at or phone 01285 658172

for full details of the position and/or an informal conversation.

Closing date Monday 23rd Dec 2019

The ideal candidate with be a self-starter and problem-solver who can manage their day to day workload without supervision as a homeworker, although you are fully supported by Councillors.  Also required is the ability to use Microsoft Office and manage Word, Outlook and Excel with ease.   A working background using accounts/book-keeping is desirable .

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (Crudwell) Sat 10th Aug 19 at 10.00 am

     To: Members of the Council and All Parishioners

You are hereby invited to attend  thAnnual Meeting of the Parish Council (Crudwell) At the Crudwell Village Hall on

Saturday 10th August 2019 at 10.00 a.m., for transacting the following business.

If there is an issue you would like to raise for the Open Forum, but cannot attend please email


  1. Apologies received
  2. Minutes to previous APM meeting 5th May 2018
  3. Chairmans Report/Achievements of the Parish Council 2018
  4. Accounts/ Finance
  5. Wiltshire Council Report – Cllr Berry
  6. Crudwell Parish Reports

Where available:- 

6.1              Crudwell School

6.2              Crudwell Trust

6.3              Lord Lucas Trust

6.4              Parochial Church Council

6.5              Police Community Support Officer – John Bordiss

6.6              Muck In (Annual Village Tidy)

6.7              Village Hall & Recreation Area/Grounds


  1. Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan 
  1. Open Forum/Questions/Issues 
  1. Closing Comment/Chairman to close meeting





If there is an issue you would like to raise for the Open Forum, but cannot attend please email


