Agenda November 2019
At the Parish Council meeting on 2nd October 2018, we are pleased to advise we have co-opted Mr Roy Lambley as Parish Councillor.
The Clerk and Parish Councillor look forward to working with Cllr Lambley, and now this vacancy has been filled we have no further vacancies.
Construction work is programmed to commence on Tuesday 7th August and anticipated to take two weeks to complete. Temporary 3 way traffic signals will be in operation during the works.
Wiltshire Council in implementing its Local Transport Plan (LTP) for 2011-2026 is seeking to develop measures throughout the County, which seek to provide improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and also improve road safety.
This scheme has been developed as part of a request from Crudwell Primary School through the ‘Taking Action on School Journeys’ initiative. This initiative has been developed to give schools the opportunity of providing improvements to school journey routes, for cyclists and pedestrians.
The scheme will see the construction of an informal crossing point and two short sections of footway within the existing verge at The Street, Crudwell, in the vicinity of the Potting Shed public house. A plan outlining the scheme is provided overleaf. The aim of the scheme is to provide a safer route from the car park to the school for parents and pupils of Crudwell Primary School.
An advisory, part time 20mph speed limit will also be introduced and will operate at school drop off and pick up times.
Construction work is programmed to commence on Tuesday 7th August and anticipated to take two weeks to complete. Temporary 3 way traffic signals will be in operation during the works.
Wiltshire Council would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and co-operation whilst the works are carried out.
Full info on the link below
The Parish Council has received notification of an application for Full Planning for 39 residential dwellings and associated works at Ridgeway Farm, to the rear of Athelstan Park from Edenstone Homes. You may wish to register your comments. Comments need to be received by 9th August 2018.
To do so online, go to Wiltshire Council website ( , then Planning section, then search by entering the application reference 18/05429/FUL. On the next page, click on the blue application number of the left and it will take you to the 48 documents which are plans, reports and statements etc. On this page, under Download Plans and Documents you can click on Comment on this Application and you will be taken to a form page to enter your comments. This will be registered and shown online.
If you want to register your comment in writing you can write to the Planning Department (Assigned Officer Richard Sewell) at Development Management, Wiltshire Council, Monkton Park, Chippenham SN15 1ER.
Comments need to be received by 9th August 2018.
Wiltshire Council Cabinet Meeting 03/07/18
Confirmation has been received, following the Wiltshire Council Cabinet Meeting, that the Ridgeway Farm Site Allocation has been removed from the Wiltshire Site Housing DPD. The final plan needs to be approved by Full Council next week.
We will post more information as we receive it and you can follow the progress of the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan over at
We are pleased to announce Simon Grainger was Co-Opted as Councillor at the January 2018 Parish Council meeting. We look forward to working with Cllr Grainger, this brings us to our full complement of 9 Parish Councillors.
Lisa Dent
Tel: 01285 658172
News from Malmesbury Primary Care Centre – In the New Year the surgery plans to promote Patients on Line system which will enable patients to make appointments, order their repeat medication, view their medical information held by the practice. Patients have to contact the surgery (complete a simple form) to request a username and password to access the system. Unless the patient is known to the staff, proof of ID will be required before access to the system can be granted. The Reception team can help and advise patients how to set up, access and get the most benefit from the system and if you are already registered, there are more modules added recently which you can request access to. Full info in the Minutes below.
The meeting is at 10.00 a.m. at the Crudwell Village Hall.
Come along and meet the new Parish Council and Cllr Berry from Wiltshire Council, there will be reports from the Neighbourhood Plan Group, Neighbourhood Watch, Crudwell School and more. The Parish Council will advise how they are responding to the Wiltshire Council proposed site allocations at Ridgeway Farm.
** Update 15th Sept at 5 p.m. – Cllr Berry has unfortunately had to send his apologies due to a family situation which is unavoidable.**
The Parish Council is pleased to advise that 3 new Councillors were Co-Opted at our August Parish Council meeting, taking our membership to 6 Councillors. Three vacancies remain, if you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please contact Lisa, the Clerk:-
tel: 01286 658172
For details of our Councillors please go to the ‘Our People’ page.
Hello all,
The above is a link to the Wiltshire Council website, Draft Wiltshire Site Allocation Plan page. There are two tabs at the bottom, one for Event information and the other for Supporting Documents. If you click the Supporting Documents, it opens all the available documents including
If you bookmark or visit this page it should be the place to go for all relevant documents. If we receive notification of anything new, we will of course let you know.