
The Parish Council will provide a high quality service and will be professional, accountable, proactive and responsive, inclusive and transparent at all times.

Our aims are to:

  • Engage in open dialogue with all residents to understand their needs and in turn explain how we address these needs with the powers and resources available to Crudwell Parish Council
  • Promote the best interest of the Parish
  • Assist and encourage other bodies to provide amenities
  • Protect and enhance the environment in which the residents of the Parish live and work;
  • Help provide cost effective amenities of a high standard to help meet the needs and wishes of Crudwell Parishioners

To help us achieve this, we will:

  • Work in partnership with other statutory bodies, voluntary groups, agencies and individuals to ensure an improving standard of service to meet the needs of the Parish
  • Protect and improve the character of the Parish and promote sustainable development for the Parish to meet the needs of present residents without jeopardising the needs of future generations
  • Help residents to enjoy high quality social, recreational and sporting facilities within the Parish, and to seek the continuing improvement and development of these facilities in accordance with the desires expressed by the residents.
  • Encourage and promote the economic and commercial viability of the Parish.
  • Help create a socially inclusive caring community which embraces all Crudwell Parish residents, irrespective of age, gender, culture income, race or religion and seeks to develop their well-being.
  • Promote local democracy by encouraging more residents to become involved in Parish matters and stand for election to the Parish Council

Wiltshire Council decides on the number of councillors in a parish, dependent on its population. Crudwell Parish has an allocation of nine councillors. We currently have SIX councillors (THREE vacancies, we haven been informed by Wiltshire Council that we can Co-Opt but this may not apply so close to the Elections in May 2025), plus our our county councillor.